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Should Children Wear Face Masks?

kids shou;d wear masks

As COVID-19 continues to spread throughout the world, it is important to take the necessary precautions to stay healthy and protect those around you. This involves washing your hands regularly, practicing physical distance, and wearing a face mask, such as a face mask, while out in public. In addition, though wearing a mask yourself is a vital part of preventing the spread of COVID-19, you may be wondering whether your child should have a face covering of their own. The short response? Yes.

Does my child need a mask?

Just like with adults, face coverings are not necessarily as effective in preventing kids from contracting COVID-19, as much as they are in preventing the transmission of COVID-19.

“COVID-19 spreads mainly from person to person through respiratory droplets from coughing, sneezing, or talking, and a cloth face-covering acts as a barrier to help prevent the spread of those respiratory droplets,” explains Jeffrey Kahn, MD, chief of pediatric infectious diseases at Children’s Health and professor at UT Southwestern Medical Center.

What makes a good face mask for kids?

  • Should fit snugly over your child’s nose and mouth without any gaps; 
  • Should not inhibit their ability to breathe comfortably in any way.

Furthermore, if you are making your own face masks for you and your family, the CDC recommends two layers of tightly woven 100 percent cotton.

When should your child wear a face mask?

Any children over the age of 2 should wear a mask any time they are in a public setting where physical distancing is difficult to practice, such as in a grocery store.

The only times that it’s safe for your child not to wear a mask is inside their own home, while swimming, or when playing outside with other children at a 6-foot distance.

“If your child has a developmental disability, mental health condition, or sensory disorder that makes it difficult to wear a cloth face covering, it may be best to avoid crowded places or social interactions where masks are needed,” says Kahn

It is also important to remember that while masks are a step in the right direction, the most effective way to protect your family from COVID-19 is by staying at home and limiting your interactions with people outside your household as much as possible.