The Plastic Bag Controversy after a Quarter Century

Bag Manufacturer

The Plastic Bag Controversy after a Quarter Century
Date Submitted: 7 thang

the benifits of reusable shopping bags

Pros and Cons

The plastic bag issue is nothing new. It continues to be a divisive topic for policymakers, the public, commercial interests, and employees of the impacted businesses. The first ban took place back in 1990 when the Small Massachusetts island of Nantucket banned retail plastic bags, only 28 years after being invented in Sweden. The Earth Policy Institute has a valuable timeline on plastic bags.

The debate continues to burn. On the one side, proponents of plastic shopping bag bans contend that plastic bags are environmentally damaging. They are difficult to decompose in landfills, and many end up on the beach or in the ocean, where they are related to problems like the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. Supporters of disposable shopping bags, on the other side, used to argue that banning them would be environmentally and financially irresponsible since the alternatives would be even worse.

Arguments in Favor of Plastic Bags

Proponents of plastic shopping bags point out the benefits of plastic bags versus paper bags and myths about the negative environmental impacts of plastic bags. One such report that challenges what it calls the Crusade Against Plastic Bags comes from the Fraser Institute, in the report of that same name:

  • Air Pollution. The report authors argue that plastic bags do not contribute to increasing air pollution. Referencing a study released in 2011 by the Environmental Agency of England, In Evidence: Life Cycle Assessment of Supermarket Carrier Bags, they state that a reusable cotton shopping bag must use at least 173 times before it becomes as environmentally friendly as an expendable plastic bag.
  • Water Pollution. The statement study is far from persuasive in this case. They argue that only 7.5 percent of solid waste is post-consumer plastic film. Logically, should organic waste be banned because it makes up a higher portion of the substantial waste stream? The merits of this case aren’t obvious.
  • Health Risks of Reusable Bags. The report points out one of the argument keys against reusable bags is the dangers of cross-contamination from unwashed reusable bags onto new purchases, presenting a substantial health risk to the public.
  • Economic Impacts. According to the Fraser Institute study, in some jurisdictions where anti-plastic bag ordinances have been enacted, sales have decreased, possibly due to reduced convenience, with negative job consequences.

The Case for Banning Plastic Shopping Bags

The fact that anti-plastic bag ordinances now are in place in over 130 cities and counties speaks to the strength of the case against plastic shopping bags. According to the National Conference of State Legislatures, between 2015 and 2016, at least 77 bills were proposed by 23 states regarding the regulation of plastic bags in retail settings. Just three states – Arizona, Idaho, and Missouri, enacted legislation in 2017, all of “which preempt local governments from regulating the sale or use of plastic bags, including the imposition of any fees or taxes.”

Some of the compelling factors include the following:

  • The cost of holding plastic bag litter out of waterways and the ocean. According to the Natural Resources Defense Council, Californians pay $11 per capita each year to prevent plastic bags from becoming marine waste. The cost to protect California waters from pollution is around $428 million annually, with about 8 to 25 percent of this expenditure attributable to plastic bags.
  • The cost of plastic bag jams resulting in damage to recycling equipment. In San Jose, California alone, damage caused by plastic film results in a $1 million loss annually.
  • Impact on ocean life. Some 267 species have been adversely affected by plastic marine debris. Plastic bags eventually break down into small fragments.

What should we do?

To protect the earth and our environment, switch to eco-friendly products such as Rpet shopping bags, glass bottles, ceramic, and stainless steel for disposable plastic bottles, clothes made from natural fabrics, etc.

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